Cornerstone Design and Engineering Limited (CDE) provides high-quality design-build
services within the Construction Industry. CDE recognizes that construction projects exist within a physical and socio-economic environment which needs to be respected with the aim of minimizing adverse environmental impacts arising from its activities.
The company is therefore committed to conducting its activities in an environmentally responsible manner.


In order to achieve this commitment, we will:

  • Ensure compliance with applicable statutory/legal requirements and other requirements to which the company subscribes;

  • Identify environmental aspects and significant environmental impacts associated with our operations prior to project execution, and ensure that our planning and operational decision making gives great consideration to preservation and mitigation measures against significant environmental impacts;

  • Minimize resource use through efficient use of energy, reduction of emissions and discharge, dust control, efficient procurement, material reuse or recycling, reduction of unnecessary waste, among others;

  • Consistently increase environmental awareness among employees and advise our customers to consider environmentally responsible concepts at design stage;

  • Establish environmental objectives and targets, and regularly measure and evaluate our environmental performance to ensure continual improvement;


This policy will be reviewed regularly, communicated to all persons working under our control, and made available to all interested parties upon request, as appropriate.